Desert is on the way

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My Busty38DD is on her way back from Portugal and will be arriving back home in early hours of Sunday morning so I've told her that I will be waiting for her naked stroking my throbbing hard 8 inches waiting for her to enter the frontroom and see me lying down on the sofa enjoying tugging on my juicy big hard cock and I've told her that when she enters the room I want her to start stripping off her clothes and show me her sun tanned curvy busty hot fuckable body and see her tanned fuckable horny mature body .And then I want her to come and get down on her knees infront of me and grab hold of my juicy big hard cock and start showing me how much she's missed feeling my cock inside all 3 of her juicy wet inviting holes .And I have told her I want her to then show me what a fuckin filthy cock hungry woman she is by giving my cock a proper greedy fuckin workout with her talented cock hungry mouth suckin the fuck out of my big cock. And once I'm satisfied then I'm going to spread her legs wide apart on the sofa and absolutely fuckin eat her juicy pink cunt untill I've got her shouting out loudly moaning her head off like a proper filthy bitch and telling me now show me how much uve missed licking out my juicy pussy and make me cum like fuck and this mature inviting pink cunt will be getting a serious tongue fuckin around 2am Sunday morning untill im satisfied with her im happy im home greeting from her
Posted in: Mature Tags: hotwife, pussy, lingerie
Comments (6)
Suck Pussy Creampie !
Ooh Doll eat you I certainly will 💋
Perfect pussy. Simply stunning
What a good whore. Is that herpes or HPV?
mmmmm nice description and hot sexy lady 😋
That looks like a nice long desert with a lot pleasure for you