Something Different

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This nasty horny slut wants to try different unusual items in her pussy. She hopes it gets you off as much as it got her off. Tributes welcome as well as encouraging words of nastiness. It only makes her more horny!
Posted in: Weird insertations Tags: pussy, mature, toys
Comments (8)
I love seeing what objects women can find and use in there pussies
Wow very very nice tits and very beautiful nipples your slut woman MMM
Too hairy pussy
I'd love to help her in her search. I'm sure we can come up with some great ideas on things to shove in her beautiful pussy.
I always love seeing women put different objects in their pussy. Such a turn on. I would like to see her put the hair brush handle in her ass or anything for that matter. I like picture 4 of the perfume bottle hanging out of her beautiful pussy
I have something I'd like to slide in there...
Would love to slide the real thing between them legs and fill you with my cream
So good. Toys of like minds find so much pleasure