OhioGypsy saying Good-Bye

Well ladies & Gentlemen, I am leaving to go to the Philippines to be with my wife in r summer home. All the beautiful ladies here have made me very damn horny & I will miss u all. As ur Mayor (LOL) I appoint Deena as ur new Mayor & long may she reign. The wife has all the nudes of me, so I can't leave ya with 1, so I hope these will do. Take care & keep up the fight to keep the idiots out of our community. OhioGypsy ;)
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Comments (4)
Hey OhioGypsy,we all will miss your great Comments.Mayor:-)..Have a good Time on the Phillipines..with your wife..may we will met U again..someday here..would be Fun. :-)..enjoy your Summer Residence..CU..best wishes..Tribalghost..
See ya on the flip side dude. Gonna miss my commrade! Have a good, safe and VERY SEXY trip! ~BIG GRIN!~
Gonna miss your comments OG. Safe journey my friend. Take care.
Just in case any of ya want to leave me a Email. The Email address is: Vampiremanoflove@aol.com. I check it every couple of days. Take care everyone.