my wife was secretly going to meet her lover after family gathering

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wearing her see through naughty knickers for only her bull to see (and all of you now too!!!!)
Posted in: Seniors Tags: wife, cuckold, pussy, watching
Comments (8)
she did !!!
She better bring home a Creampie!
very sedate compared to what followed she informed me (i didn't get to see !)
what was the family gathering like
not a secret from me, as she cuckolded me long before then, but certainly a secret from our friends and family at gathering, they would of never guessed what she had on under her plain busy mum outfit !!!!!
An afterthought, but relevant!
Was this a "secret" from you, from your family? And was it a 'secret' in the sense that only she, you and her bull (and we, her lusting Adultism "wish it was me" admirers) would know about? Yes Please!
glad you like, will try my best !
Wonderful! Really, really wonderful! Thank you to both of you!

Tits, nipples, bare belly, and, of course, a gloriously exposed naturally hairy married cunt and bare upper thighs! Fantastic to see, look at and watch!

More, please!