Before work orgasm

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Back in '14 before I retired my husband had apparently seen me in the shower before dressing for work. While in the shower I noticed that the hand-held shower streams felt very, very good on my clit. I was holding it near my clit and squatting with legs wide. It was going to be orgasm time in short order. Suddenly Keith comes into our bathroom and says "oh, are you busy?" and laughs. I answered him with nothing but silence. He had just ruined a very good orgasm. When I went into our bedroom to dress he told me to lay on my back on our bed and he would make things right with me. As soon as I was laying on my back he put a dildo in my still dripping wet pussy and handed me the little vibrator. What you see in this short clip is the amount of time it took for me to orgasm....from penetration to moaning in thirty seconds. The rest of my work day was wonderful !!!
Posted in: Mature Tags: mature, bbw, hairy, pussy, orgasm, close, up, dildo, vintage
Comments (5)
Mmmm I love it, wish it was my tongue inside you with your legs squeezing my head 😃😛🤗
Great way to start your day
Well that was pretty damn sexy.
so hotttt, this video is the reason that I subscribed to ur page